Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Big Hero 6 Review

About a week ago, I was fortunate enough to watch "Big Hero 6", 3 days before many people and at the same time as the Red Carpet Premiere that was hosted in LA. Either way, watching this film was an experience. So guys, here's my review of "Big Hero 6":
If you haven't heard of "Big Hero 6", please view the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckAGKzTKsvw

Quick note: If you are the very few people who has read the Marvel Comic "Big Hero 6", you will already tell the characters look incredibly different. This isn't a big deal as one would expect because like I had stated in the previous sentence... not many people actually read the comics. So The character concept art for the movie was very loose and I personally like it that way. 

                               (I don't think they wanted Honey Lemon to be that sexy) (Also Marvel owns this image)

(nerdy Honey Lemon is cooler anyways) (Disney Image)

Character Development: Our main characters are Hiro & Baymax (the one next to Baymax on the left in the picture) and he is the one that we focus on for the majority of the film. I like their relationship a lot and this film really relies heavily on them growing as a pair. Hiro did grown as an individual and Baymax... well... he's a robot but together, they were the heart of this film.

Unfortunately though, the secondary characters, Fred, Wasabi, GoGo and Honey Lemon are placed on the sidelines heavily. The movie focuses hard on Hiro and Baymax and i loved every moment of their screen time but I wanted to learn more about the other characters. You get more of an idea of who Fred is but everyone else, not so much. Maybe eventually. (Sequel maybe?) 

You get a lot during 108mins that this film is and it's great. The visuals trump anything we've seen before. The car chase scene in the film, is amazing to look at. Disney has yet again gained strides against their competition. Many times during this film, I was laughing for long periods of time and other times I was holding back tears trying hard to not cry during emotional moments and there are a good amount of emotional moments.

There were times where I couldn't help but smile and those two moments include: this bright moment when Hiro can't believe he's flying with Baymax and the grin he has on his face matches the smile I would make if I could do what he could do as a 14 year old girl and the Stan Lee cameo (YES THERE IS ONE) is amazing and worth the biggest high five to the people at Walt Disney.

TLDR; portion right now:
Pro: Great Duo, Visually beautiful, Tugged at my heat strings and my laughing side. 
Con: Simple story, supporting characters were left behind, you knew who the bad guy was from the beginning. 
Overall: 9/10 (it would have been 8 but THAT STAN LEE CAMEO THOUGH)

First Movie Blog Complete! 

Until next time Readers. Get out there and Animate your Night!


Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Well Hi there!! My name is Lily Zaldivar and I am the main blogger of "Animate Your Night". 

The Short and Sweet Info:

- I am a graduate of San Francisco State University. I studied Cinema emphasis in Animation

- I am from California 

- I love Animation and Video Games.

- Disneyland is my summer home. 

                                   (I've been mastering my Tsum Tsum stacking technique)

                                                                           (Jk I don't)

The Long and Not So Fun:

If I could be any animal, I would be an otter. They're cute and fuzzy but absolutely crazy. That's basically who I am. I truly believe Animation is a sub hub to my life and I would love to share that with everyone.

When I was little, I knew I wanted to be a part of the Animation industry. I also wanted to be an actress. As I grew older, I had many dreams like being a tennis pro, or a pro swimmer. I even did theater as well. But my love for animation never changed. I became so enticed with the creations Pixar or Disney made and with TV shows such as: Rick and Morty, Bob's Burgers, Archer and Mike Tyson Mysteries. 

I really love giving my opinion on Animated Features, especially the ones that not many have seen. A good amount of people think that Animated films are only made from Disney, Pixar or Dreamworks but there are so many more animated films done from studios around the world. This blog is for people who would like to know more about Animated films from mainstream to obscure. If you have a specific request, don't hesitate to ask

I also would love to give my opinion about seasons of tv shows that are just coming out. There are so many hidden gems out there in Hulu's or Netflix's hidden library. I would love to get an opinion or word out for new shows or things to binge besides the usual. 

On occasion I will write about video games because instead of watching an animated film/tv show, I'll end up playing video games. It happens. 

What I'll be reviewing:

- Animated Films
- Animated TV Shows

TLDR; welcome to my blog, I'm Lily and I'm gonna write about Animated movies and tv shows. (maybe sometimes video games I play)